NDP07, Family Day.
July 13, 2007While I was typing this entry halfway, Brandy and Linda call me to ask me go for the NDP preview cause they somehow got the tickets like very last minute.
They ask me to meet them 5pm at City hall and I told them I must blog finish this entry before I can go, I don't care whether I'm late or not! HAHAHAHAHA!
The fact is that I'm really running late! And I had to go prepare right now! *Run away*
Quoted from the entry,
3 Birthday Celebration!! Saturday,July 07,07.

So after finish writing that entry, I rushed down to City Hall to meet Brandon and Linda.

We were happily talking about the goody bag that we will get and then we saw ...


But those primary school kids have goody bags! How unfair! I still remember years back when I'm still in primary school, we also came for the NDP preview! Every Primary 5 students for every year will come for the NDP preview!

I did not wear any red top that day but I wore red SOCKS.

These is where our "goody bags" is placed.

We got no goody bags but plastic bags -.-

We were then usher to the seats located, and we settled ourselves down for a great show!

This is the first time we celebrate NDP at Marina Bay.

Everyone busy taking pictures!

Brandon and the performers.

The formation NDP 07. Saw it?

We can see the Ferris Wheel there! :D

Singing the national anthem.


The sky is turning dark ...

We cam whore a little :D

I don't understand why people leave at the 3/4 of the programme, which is kind of rude. Yes, typical Singaporean! But why didn't they want to see the fireworks?!

The grand finale!
and after that is the long awaited ...
Super nice! We video down few minutes of it! Watch it !

This photo is not photoshoped!
It is taken using the strong spot light there!!

There is lucky draw for those who clear their rubbish! So you just have to paste the sticker on the plastic bags and retain the other part!
And talking about lucky draw ....

Everyone would clear their rubbish into the plastic bags and throw it away!

Going home part was the toughest! We spend 1 hour waiting for the bus and in the end we found out that the bus terminate the services due to the NDP rehearsals.
We totally gone crazy after knowing it!
p/s: Trying hard not to be a wet blanket, I'm not suppose to blog much in detail cause you all should actually watch the live telecast on the day itself!
I already don't know how tired I am, the tiredness has already gone to the maximum. That simply applies to everyone (Year 2) in my course, cause everyone was rushing out their poster yesterday night and many slept around 4-5 am. But I like my poster very much though, will show you all some other day!
I guess it's time for a good sleep now! Night guys!