time to say ...
June 06, 2007
& now I'm smaller than ever!

I think I have alot of things to say about. Let me start with...

haha! I'm not going to talk about students who are occupying seats and start commenting about them though. I took it cause we were actually studying there.

When i meet my friends to study, I can't really study.

And this "Cannot-Study-Mood" happen to me recently only! I got no motivation to study for my test and do my projects/work!
I don't know what is happening seriously.
(okay... do allow me to rant alittle)


Let me end the study craze topic. Just one more paper to go! But for our holidays we have to do our projects.
So is EQUALS to no holiday! :D :D
When you are not in the mood to study...
Me and Vivian try out the new Msn game. Jigsaw puzzle!
AND I AM THE PRO! she is lousy =x HAHA!
She also lost 2 out of 3 in Tic Tac Toe!! YAY! :D
Not very fun lah! But sometimes Msn game will still help you to kill your boredom away! And also it will make you feel PRO!
but make sure that you choose the right person to play with. HAHAHAHA! =x
(Source of pictures is taken from Vivian)
I think i ate too many heaty food and junk food even though my sore throat and cough haven even recover yet and suddenly there's pimple!
But everytime when i have pimple it will only be ONE on my face. Due to my genes (i think), my face doesn't have pimple and when there is pimple on my face, my friends will go
"Wah! never see you have pimple one eh!"
(yes. now only one pimple on my cheek) I know you are trying to say I shouldn't be making a big fuss out of it. BUT I am not making a big fuss over it! I'm blogging about it because ...
I want to show you the different stages of pimple!

First, it started like small, nice and friendly.
After applying some Aloe Vera gel on it (which I always use to apply practically on everything) And the next day i woke up,
it became ...

Not friendly anymore!
Was playing with plaster to cover it up but I know it will worsen everything therefore I took it out when I'm on the way to school.

And I went to school for my paper, everyone was asking me to squeeze it! cause it can be squeezed already.
But i don't squeeze pimple.

I think it will naturally be "squeezed out" at the point of time when we are washing our face. And so true that after washing up ...

Bleed bleed bleed and I applied Aloe Vera gel on it! :D

Crazy! I'm think I'm too free to do all these. GOOD BYE PIMPLE :D
I bought a new pair of white shoe!! Guess how much is it?

$9.90! I bought it at Plaza Singapura!
That time we bought more than a dozen of Gatsby hair wax! Cause me and my bro can finish using one very fast.

These are now what its left! But there's new look of Gatsby hair wax. I like the colour and the form of the new hair wax better! It's more attractive and appeal more to the user!
(sound like I'm doing my project, talking about the product form, colour and blah blah blah..)

I think natural sunlight is a good source of lighting!

I wish to grow FATTER!


I think he/she like me! HAHAHA!

I like babies alot! Sometimes would even think of getting married and have kids of my own! That's a crazy thought for now isn't it. I'm still too young.
But actually it's more to the financial part which hinder the thought of mine. I'm still not working yet! How to provide a conducive HOME for my wife and children.
I'm always thinking all these craps...

even when I'm sleeping!

or even when I'm going to school!

This is call a Pantone Chart!

It cost around US 300-400! Expensive huh?
We always play this during our secondary school times!

We will type in the message using the calculator then pass to our friend then he/she will type and pass back!
You all still remember how to type?
It is always a shock when you turn back and you see a ...

Empty bus.
Some bloggers wrote a blog review on my blog, in their blog!
I'm happy! Simple as that! :D
