Fatal Flip Flops!
December 17, 2007Got this from an email I receive, and thought that I should share with you guys :)
Subject: ATTENTION - Beware of these Flip Flops (Slippers) from China
This is very true in the news from one of our local radios here that mentioned our govt has to be extra careful on these cheap imports from china especially clothes because the Chinese are using some strong but cheap chemical in their manufactures. Cheap is in- expensive and at the same time fatal.

*Pictures below might cause disturbance to some of you people, and maybe you will vomit your intestine out!*
First Stage:




Last stage:

Seriously, it looks really painful and torturing!
But I guess this is not as bad as the entry before which really causes you guys to vomit your intestine out! :)
Went to Daiso the other day and we saw these colourful pencils!

They come in different sizes and basically all the children there crowding around is just wanting to buy this omega,

And and and and ..We saw this HUGE clip too!

-End this entry abruptly-
p/s: Gosh! I'm running late! Meeting 'Fingers' at 5.30am to go to the Airport to send Yi Ting off to China! But I haven't even slept a single wink after I came back from my Alumni Band BBQ at around 1am! :(