Rain Rain Go Away!
March 13, 2008
Stupid rainy days!
It's spoiling all my plans (like going out before work) and in the end I'll be too lazy to get out from my cosy bed cause of the nice weather! :(
Plus having the burden to carry out an umbrella out to work!
Went to Bugis to do some shopping with Lindy days back before I head myself to work! Was pretty excited cause in my mind I've already though of the thing which I need to get!

But sadly, after doing a quick shopping there I couldn't find the stuff which I wanted. So, the SMART Lindy suggested that we should go to Haji Lane.

And the moment we reach there....

We've got no choice but to shop there while waiting for the rain to stop or just to get smaller then we can actually make our way back to town.
As I was getting late for work and still not eaten my lunch yet, we decided to take cab instead! All problems solved! :)
Anyone working at some independent mobile phone stores or know where to get brand new phone at a lower price than those at the operators and retailers store?
Without contract! E-mail me! Thanks!