You all forget me already right!
April 25, 2009I actually got alot of time to update one lor!!
Not until, the other day when Chin Hao ask me to play Resturant City with them (with a motive, of course.. cause he wanted me to trade ingredients with him) and since that day, I'm totally hooked onto it until now!
But there's one thing which I dislike about RC is that almost everything in there comes in white, black, blue and pink only.
Like wtf? Boring right!! Zzzzzz...
I then only can decorate my restaurant in these 4 colours -.-!
Aiya, maybe also got red or brown lah!
But still ugly and boringggg...
Okay, I don't know why I named it 'mini' but anyway!
Before heading over to Kranji, which is where we will be having our chalet at, we went over to ntuc to grab some chips and other necessity stuff first! Weeeeeeee!

Halfway through, my toes suddenly hurts like mad!! I then found out that everyone was wearing slippers except me!
Which was obviously not the reason why my toes hurt and I was wearing my red shoes that day (I don't wear it anymore now!!), which initially when I bought it, it wasn't really my size thus I felt really uncomfortable carry on with it and I went to get myself a cheapo slippers sold there.

Muhahaha! Due to no much choices!!
While waiting for the shuttle bus:

And after waiting for quite some time (cause we can't cab down as we've got 5 people), the shuttle bus finally reached!!!

Camwhoring again, on the bus....

I think all of us look rather pale and sick that day, maybe partly was due to all the late night outings we had? I don't know..

Yay!! I like it alot man!!!
Although many people told me it's totally not worth the price at all, but I'm finding a 'transparent' bag for quite long already so when I see it, of course must buy right! Hohohohoho!
Once we see these outside, we know it's reaching already..

Cause the chalet is located away from the city and at there, there's nothing but just grasses, trees and all the green nature stuff!
Just nice for us to do some relaxation!!

The place where we have to check in and collection our keys is located at a fucking ridiculous spot!!!!!
It's like hidden at one corner of the whole place lor!!
It's really stupid!! It took us like 15 minutes to find the place and we can't even find any people there to give direction either!

Inside the room:

The bathroom there is somehow pretty!
Cause you can actually get to see abit of the outside and there's a small garden in there but still it's covered so nobody can see you!

But to our horror, the bathroom floor was filled with these creepy insects which we don't know what they are....

Zhen Jun then started to wash them away but no matter how we wash right, an hour later they will be back again.

And don't think I never help lor, the following few times when we still see it is all wash and clean away by me okay!!!

After that, we continue to do mundane stuff like; unloading our stuff, watch tv for awhile and taking crappy pictures.

Until then, we decided to head out to walk around the place!

We then came to one where you can use a net to catch fishes, 10mins for 5bucks (I think, or even cheaper) but it's only limit to children to catch only!!
Cause the pond is like freaking shallow only lor, if they allow adults to catch those fishes with the net I think we can catch all the fishes in the pond in 10mins man!
Freaking easy cause the net is also quite big.
No wonder when we first reach that shop house, they immediately told us that we can't catch those fishes and they offer to help to take pictures for us.
Very jian zha!!!

I think he's the owner's son or something and he is a freaking cam whore too as he loves to take pictures as what his mum told us.
Some views of the environment that surrounds the stall:

We also came across a shop house that sell fighting fish!!

Nothing much one, quite boring!
So We decided to head back but with the longer route cause we thought can see the other side and there might be interesting stuff.

Cause the of the scorching sun plus the route back to our room is freaking long which takes about half an hour. It's really crazy!
The route on our way back:

Wonder how much do they pay him? Or he's doing it willingly for free cause he loves planting. Ermmmm.......

Both Ke Xin and Yi Ting are seriously mad cause they are stopping by the whole journey to take pictures of flowers which can be seen easily like EVERYWHEREEEEE!!!!!!!!
Be it the park near you or under your housing estate -.-!

And finally!!!! Back to our room!!!!

Not only her, but all of us were sweating like hell!
I then put on a hairband which last time (before I had my hair cut recently), I do go out frequently like this (picture below) with my hairband on.

Over at the balcony......

Dinner timeeee!!!!
We didn't dine at the 'restaurant' there cause it's not really appealing and thus we ended up calling mcdelivery! Yum!!

After finish eating and enough resting, we went out again cause it's evening already and the weather is not that hot anymore.

As the girls wanted to get some drinks, and look who's with us too?

Buying ice lollies:

The pretty view there around evening....

The night past really fast cause we gamble alittle, watch tv, gossip and most fun of all is force each other not to sleep!!
Everytime we're out for overnight, we'll sure force each other not to sleep one lor, really funny! And ting and me will always be the ultimate winner!!

That day I'm like freaking lucky and I won the most among them!

The next morning....

Really tired after a whole night of playing and not sleeping!!
We then went home to sleep!
A very abrupt ending I know, it's always been like this what!

Went over to Mustafa with lindy and chin hao after our slackest job we had in school cause me and lin had never been there before.
And after a day of shopping inside this mall:

We then found out that it's not Mustafa!!!
Wth!! We're like damn stupid lah but then when we head over to Mustafa there's also nothing much there leh, and lin only bought some snacks there.

First time (again!) having a night picnic at Botanic Garden and it's really romantic there at night! The ambiance there is so right!
Went there with Fingers on the 'Earth Hour' day itself.

We then stayed utill it's closing then we left, around 11pm.
Oh! And I saw shooting stars that night too!!!