Chasing Black.
February 06, 2010Sponsored Advertorial
So you guys must be wondering what's Chasing Black?
I shall come straight to the point and not beat around the bush about it!

It's actually an online store, that offers a wide selection of the most desirable clothing and accessories, as well as unique inspired designer pieces!
I've seen their apparels and they all look really unique!!
Their clothing gave me kinda 'Lady Gaga feel' (something like avant-garde) and to have that all unique apparels, their buying department must highly informed of the current trends! And this is really important!!!
Yes yes, I know I need to show you all pictures!
So the Chasing Black team being really nice, sponsored us few items from their collection and here is the 3 items we chosen...

One of their simpler item in their collection!
And when I ask her whether this leather dress feels uncomfortable to wear anot (cause it seems like whole thingy is made of leather), she say it's pretty much comfortable as there are lining on the interior for additional comfort!

Nice right this jackettttttttttt!
Though, okay, I know the name sounds abit wrong, but who cares!
It's a really nice jacket to begin with and both of us like it alot!! I even went to try it on lor! But sadly, it's really too small for me! :(

Here's a clearer view of the CB jacket!

Back design of the CB Jacket!

This vest is my favourite-est of all!!!!
Seriously, I like this vest the most among these 3 pieces! Cause it's quite bling but not to the extent of too 'over', and still can attract attention too!
And guess what?!! I'm able to fit in!!! MUAHAHAHAHAA!!!
Think we can share and wear for this one!!! :D
To touch more about Chasing Black store....
1. All their items are handpicked with care for its style, wearability, most importantly QUALITY. And they have each of their every design in limited stock and is not mass-produced, this they are extremely rare.
2. Also, all apparels/accessories are hand selected and carefully scouted overseas! They have a range of jackets, blazers, vests and more!

Faux Leather Skirt
Seriously, this is actually one of the items we wanted. but I see wrongly and told them I wanted the Flaux Leather Tube Dress instead! And when I told her about it, she scream cause she says she really like this one! Unique!

Gem Military Vest
Wanted this too! But was OOS that time! :( Now it's in stock so grab them while you can! Cause they don't usually do back-orders!

The MJ Jacket
Michael Jackson Jacket? Yes? No? But all I know is, it's kinda smart for girls to wear it, and this jacket have got the designer Balmain feel!

Matt Sequin Leggings
Was told that it's exactly the same quality as the one selling in Topshop, even the stitching as they went to checked it personally!
3. They provide free normal shipping for any purchase!!!!!
4. They also do shipping to US, UK, Europe, Taiwan, Indoneisa, Hong Kong (that's a good news for you people who're not in staying in Singapore) and can easily change to your preferred currency through the 'currency selection' from the drop down menu at the top of the page!!
5. They will be having their very own (and very first!) runway show with their booth of collection in the upcoming March!!!

Alright, time for some shoppingggggggggggggg!!!!

("We strongly believe that every girl deserves to look good
without looking cliche." - Chasing Black Team)
without looking cliche." - Chasing Black Team)
p/s: AWESOME DEALS!!! You lucky babes now can use this voucher code 'V01051CAD7E' to get USD$2 off any purchase for a limited time only!!!
p/p/s: Don't forget to sign up for their newsletter, which delivers to your inbox a dose of store news, updates, and exclusive discounts!!
p/p/p/s: I also feel that it's a good thing that they included the shopping cart system, that eases shoppers the pain of atm transfers if they do not have access to internet banking! Awesome customer service!
p/p/p/p/s: Oh! Don't forget to mark down the date of the Chasing Black's runway show 'Fashion in the sky' on March too!!

Thanks to the typical ME, the Chasing Black team will be giving a storewide discount just for my lovely readers!!!! YAY!!!!!
Which is for you guys laaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!
So don't wait! Hop over now if you haven't!!!!!!!!