SCDF Central Fire Station Visit!
March 31, 2010Sponsored Advertorial

So here is it! My first time visit to Fire Station!
Kinda pretty excited about it when I was told about visiting it cause I've never been there before in my life! But still, at the same time, feeling alittle grumpy about how early I've to wake up and reach that day! Hahahaha!
(Oh anyway! The first 2 related SCDF entries are here & here.)
But the experience was really good and make the 'have-to-wake-up-early-during-weekends-when-I-can-finally-sleep-late' all worth it!

Fire-fighters are there to bring you around!
They have all their fire fighters stationed around the fire station during their open house (click to know the details) every week, to guide anyone and everyone who is visiting the fire station!

Explaining to us the compartments & equipment in the fire engine!
And from there you'll get to know more about what the fire-fighters do, their roles and almost everything you want/need to know about SCDF!
You even get to try out all their equipments too!!!

Me looking at their equipment!

Tourists wanting to try how high can the pump ladder extend!

Really really mad high! :/

And we also went to try it out too!! Fun!!!

The controlling unit!

Trying to use the water gun!


Trying another water equipment! Spraying out water from the hose!
Basically, You can really get to try almost everything there!
Seriously quite fun!! Like putting on their suit, compressed air tank, sit inside the fire engine, etc. Like quite a chance to do that lor!
Cause you don't everyday get to touch all these equipments usually what!

Them demonstrating to us how they slide down using the sliding pole!

Another guy! They do it whenever they're being activated!
How cooooooooooooool is that!!!!!!
And if you all would like to try what I've tried above, or see them in action, do visit their open house every Saturday! Go experience it yourself!
Don't think you'll ever regret it! :)
p/s: Also, Click here if you would like to know more about the SCDF's recruitment and join them in action as a career!!