My not-so-typical, 21st birthday celeb!
March 22, 2010Yay! I'm finally done with the birthday party pictures!!! :D
I know I've been taking way too long but, to receive the pictures from the photographer need to take some time and I also need time to edit them what!! And god knows why I'm like so busy recently!
My life is mad hectic and packed like now!!
Everyday, there will be programme lined up for me and stuff for me to do! Mad siao lor!!! (Bah! Shall talk about this another time lah hor!)
Okay. So anyway, back to my birthday celebration!
At first, I had the thought that 'my party is not gonna make it and will not succeed' because I totally got no much time to plan and organize it cause out of a week, I'm in camp for like 5 days!!
And I only started planning at the beginning of January!!!!
You tell me how to plan?! Zzzzz...
So I did tweet about it and some of your guys actually email me about helping me or have already found planners to help me plan my birthday party for me (thanks all lovely)!
But it's like... my 21st party so I wanna get involve in it!
So after the list came out, of the various places that wanted to sponsor me their venue for my birthday party, I chosen Artery.
I wanted Homeclub or Hotel Re (the one I went to for Christmas countdown) at first too but Homeclub wasn't able to provide me their full venue cause it's held on Saturday, and they only can give me half of it which I don't want and Hotel Re is like too isolated and not really accessible.
So I went to Artery to talk to their manager and to take a look at the venue, it's really awesome as it gives me a very cozy and homely feel!!
Then I was sure that, I'm gonna held it there.

I look red here cause by the time I took this photo I was drunk.

Yay! Got the whole bar to myself!

Pretty and cozy right?!

Though the venue was sponsored, I still come up with money (close to 2k *heart pain*) cause I'm gonna get drinks and finger food for all my love!
I can't expect them to go in there and pay for the drinks themselves right?!
Cause all those I invited are all my really really mad close friends and relatives of mine! They are those people that are important to me in my life and had made an impact on me before. Where got face to ask them to pay!
Talking about the guest and people who came...
I actually got quite a headache about the invited guest cause the initial guest list to invite was over 150 people! But it's too ridiculous!!
Cause the bar was pretty small and it will not be able to fit that many pax and also I'll have to spend even more if that number of people came. So I cut it down and invited about 60++ of my love to come.
I need to say I'm really sorry if I did not invite you (if my friends are reading this) cause I really got no choice! :(

Fingers & B reached the earliest to help me out.

Drinks coupons which all my loves will get!
And people starts to come in....

"Happy Birthday" ... "Thank you thank you"

All writing birthday wishes for me which will all be compile and put into a photo album with loads of my camwhore pictures!!

Neh! The photo album!

Finger food! Yums!

Running about receiving presents and talk to everyone!

Think they are ordering drinks..

Small heart shape balloons around all the sitting area!

With Brandy & Lindy! :)

Pui & Taiwei!

My mary ah ma and ah gong!!!!!!!
Tell me this is totally mad awesome loving and sweet photo captured!!!I really like this picture so so much and they look damn cute and sweet here!

Baby tat!

Jd & Chinhao!

My ah gek ah ma (daddy side)!

Jayden, Esther & Isaac!

With my Weiliang! Hahahahahahaa!
Mad funny cause I kept ask him to smile with his teeth but he couldn't cause he broke his front tooth due to some parade! Crazy right!

B, Ran & Ting!

Candid shot of me laughing like mad while talking to Minting!

Guess what everyone is watching?????!!!

A 17 minutes, awesome video of me!!!
Where I talk about my 21 years of life, all the funny incident and stuff which I wanted to say to all of them! And I even showed them my room too!
Have to thanks Audi.K & Ben.A for the video cause they treat it very seriously and do up a very professional job! I totally felt like a celebrity when they are recording it! Hahahahahahahahaahahaha!
And they are also the one that help to take pictures for my party too! :)
Can't help but to talk more about the video cause it is really awesome and they edited till it's mad touching and also funny on the other hand!
Makes me feel like I should do more videos and show you guys!
But nonetheless, I'm not intending to put up the video for now (for certain reason) but might in the near future! Hope they're professional enough not to upload or show people the video without my consent (didn't talk to them the other time about it but I'm sure they will be reading this, I guess!).

See! Everyone is laughing so hard! I'm a good entertainer!

Giving a lousy speech after the video ends.

Bah! Should have draft it out before hand instead!
Then the birthday cake pops out....

With all of them singing birthday song for me! :D

Mad happy! But why the guy like giving me a weird look!

Natural elated smile!

Hilarious!!! Cause I request them to sing one more time for me!

Blowing out the candles!

Then after that, is picture taking with all the important people in my different stages of my life (I used other pictures taken that day to substitute those who don't look good when taken with the cake):

My family!!!!

My daddy side's relaives!!!!

Hex, cousins!

My mummy side's relatives!

Me and Ran with our mary ah ma & ah gong!!

Awww! I love her! She's mad cute!!

My primary school bff, Cindy!

Secondary school mates!


Love this candid shot of us.

My poly mates!!

Sf and Yy! Know them when I work at Muji last time!

Irene! My attachment can never be so awesome without her!

My BMT mates! (Tsk! My buddy is not here)

Airforce unit mates!


Guo jie & Queen! Knew them through Stefanie Sun!

Last but not least, my B! :)

All of them eating the cake, White chocolate macadamia!

And one by one starts to leave when midnight strikes...

Angie, Kx, Zixiang and me! :D

Wide angle lens makes all of us distorted!

Yellowish us! :/

Jiawei is soooooo tallll!

My da yi!!

The working crew! (by that time I was mad drunk! look at my face!)
And that is the first time in my life I puked and get so wasted after I got back home! Seriously, I'm 21 years old now! A young adult! :D
I really need to thank everyone that came for making this happen (and the presents too! heheh!) and making it so memorable for me!
So love you all pleaseeeeeeeee!
Especially Fingers (which help me in almost everything from decorations to ushering to... everything!), my family (too many to mention), B (never forget you cutting the coupons by yourself), Da yi - Angelia (which ordered the cookies as gift for guest), Xiao yi - Josephine (you know lah hor!), Weller (running all the places with me) and Shannon from Artery!

That looks like a fun-filled birthday celebration! I like your 21st birthday ideas and concepts. Hope you had fun in your bid day.
I'd like to have a bite on that cake! YUM
would like to ask where u brought ur birthday cake at ?