Malacca Trip'10 (Part Two)
March 16, 2011As continued from part one! And I just realise I look pretty horrible throughout this trip!
Looking back at most of the pictures I took when I was editing right, makes me realise that I look kinda weird and tired that time! Thus many of my camwhore shots right, I didn't bother to edit at all and not to say, to post them up! Siao ah! All so ugly, you all want me to post meah!
Alright, so anyway I shall continue the trip.....

Came across this souvenir shop back over at Dataran Pahlawan!

And I decided to do something for Fingers!

It's just their name on the bracelet!
I don't really expect them to wear, cause it's pretty much hideous (even I myself think so! ha!)! But it's just the thought that counts okay?! Cause I don't really know what to get for them!
Especially for the girls, but I did got a tee for Zj on top of this!

Twist potatoes! So yummy!

Sharing it with mummy!

I love it! Hehehehe!

I don't know what they are selling! Some crocodile thingy!

But the deco is gross! This one looks like lizard lor! Wtf!

Then I went to do the live sketch of my portrait!

And if you're wondering, where did the Fred Perry bag suddenly come from, we bought it to put all our shopping bags inside together! Cause there's really quite alot you know!

Completing! Show you guys the completed sketch later!

Keeping my breath fresh!

3 of us holding hands to cross the road! Sweet right!
And after that, we walk like fucking far just to find the famous fishball noodles store that daddy want to eat! It's really far and what's worse was, he don't even really know the road lor!
So I was kinda pissed towards the end, because he don't even want to ask around for direction when he's unsure of it which makes us feels like we are just aimless walking around finding it! Which I think is really absurd to me lah! I was quite in good mood at first one please!

Like finally, the famous(?) fishball noodles store!

They both had the normal fishball noodles soup!

I had the dry noodles instead!
And if you all remember, I super hate fishball! So I didn't really eat the fishball much! To me, all fishball is the same! Disgusting and doesn't taste good at all!
After that, we went back to hotel and I took a nap since we quarreled too!

Then we woke up and went to this Korean restaurant for dinner!

Korean tea! Damn nice!

Bbq pork + all the side dishes!!

The staff there were very helpful and nice!

Kimchi soup!

Kimchi pancake!

We had grilled chicken as well!

Loving Korean food!

The bill! Damn worth it right?!! Gosh!!!

Leaving the restaurant!

Went to shop again! Hahahaha!

Nah! The completed sketch of me! Don't look like me hor?!

Night view from our balcony!

Used a towel to cover the mirror facing my bed!
Do you guys do this too? Hahahahaha!
I don't know, but I'm kinda used to it already! I think it's because since young right, all my elder relatives (aunts/grandparents etc.) and parents have been telling me that it's not really good to sleep with a mirror facing you! It's sort of like superstitious stuff lah!
So I listen to them and been practicing this superstitious act whenever I encounter it, until now!

The next morning....

My parents already went to shop for all the goodies!
They woke up damn early and went to have breakfast over at the hotel! Then, they even head out to have other food as well! And they did all these while I was still sleeping like a log!
Damn tired me! I totally think they are mad to wake up so early!

And they also bought back the famous chicken rice ball for me!

I like roasted chicken better!

Finally, washed up and ready to go!

But before that, the usual camwhore!


Got onto the coach and going to Genting!

Genting! *yawns*
I seriously think Genting is boring and lame!
And I actually blogged an entry on how I dislike that place the other time when I was on the way back to Singapore from Genting cause I was feeling so angsty! I don't know why also!
But I'm not going to say any further (can't be bothered to), so you all can click here to read again if you missed it or if you want to refresh your memory!

First meal there!


Took a picture of this as I went to check my mole whether it's good or bad!
It's actually a banner outside the 'fortune teller shop' and they stop me from taking pictures of it! Mummy say who will be so stupid to let you take pictures of all their banners, if like that then they no business liao! Siao! But this one very vague only leh!
People will still wanna go in cause they wanna know more detailed stuff what!

Yah right, 2 cents away from a brand new car! Should be 2 cents away from getting bankrupt!
(p/s: I'm not really against gambling but I just don't support it!)

Hot green tea latte!

Took this picture cause the clown looks damn scary! Still dare to play with the kids!

Mummy wanted to go out the hotel to feel the coldness! So misty outside!


Hahahahaha! Just posing for pictures, not so kua zhang actually!

Eat again when daddy came out to meet us from playing casino!

And he went back to casino after eating!


I decided to try this!

Mine and mum's!

We slack and chill around there till pretty late!

Heading back to our hotel room!

Another gum!

Breakfast the next morning at this lousy restaurant! SEE THE PLATES?!!!
All not cleared one and their service is damn slow and poor!!!! Mad lousy!!

Ending it off with my this act cute picture of mine! Hahaha!
OMG. Ur wearing woman's shoes!
ReplyDeleteu've got nice handwriting! the 5 names on paper were written by you right?
ReplyDelete@Guest (1st one) i think those shoes are unisex, but anyway what's wrong with wearing woman shoes?
ReplyDeletebtw anyone knows what those fortune teller banner says about those moles area? i cannot read chinese x.x
we cant read too, the words are too blur and small.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you buy your shoes?