I ought to blog something!
April 27, 2011Been talking to mummy about the elections that is coming up for the whole day today!
It's funny cause I'm so not into politics and doesn't really know much about it but yet I kinda love to watch all the election's news on the tv as I find it kinda interesting!
Furthermore, I'll be voting this year! First time voter eh me!
Anyway, tomorrow I'll be going for checkup on whether I can undergo general anesthesia for my wisdom tooth extraction at the hospital! Totally scary I know right, cause if everything is okay, my wisdom tooth extraction surgery will be at next week!
Then gonna go run some errands like collecting stuff and all! Then to go buy for mummy an iPhone which I think ran is going to share with me to give it as her gift for the coming Mother's Day!
Oh! And also recently, I've been mobile uploading pictures very frequently up on my Facebook! So do add me up on my Facebook page where I upload all the pictures there! :)
Well, just a random update and ending off with some cute pictures!

It's the cute Lucas again!

Look at his blury and dreamy eyes!

Even the chopsticks gotta be orange! With some polka dots too!

Huat ah! Hahahahaha!