Minion and me say, Bello!
July 27, 2013Bello everyone!!!!! So happy because me and mummy are going for NDP preview later!!!! :D
Ran got the tickets and so we are going yay!! I wanted to go because it's really fun and touching everytime I'm there watching!!! So which also means I've been going for NDP preview consecutively 3 years (including this year) already!! So excited but I'm also quite tired because I slept really late last night!! -_-

Met up with Amelia and she accompanied to for my dental! :D

Took a photo with the huge giant minion over at cine!!!
I didn't know cine has it too you know, I only thought The Cathay got! So I was quite excited when I see it and immediately ask Amelia to help me take pictures hahahaha! And I took alot of shots but all end up ugly, except this! Maybe the minions too cute already, we all will look bad standing beside/with it hahaha!!

Went to have jap food!

Hello why you photobomb meeeeeeeeeee!

While walking.....

Went to catch Despicable Me 2 to end the day!!! :D
Okay, I go laze around abit then I go prepare to go NDP preview already!! I'll blog again later!!! :D