I'm in good mood today!
October 15, 2008So I shall blog! Muahahaha!
But I really need to sleep at 4am cause I don't want to be late tomorrow and being marked as absent when I did go for school, like today, which is pretty dumb lor.
So I better get myself going...
Press Launch for M1 Singapore Fringe Festival ‘09

Was being invited to attend the press launch for the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival together with Nuffies (people who work at Nuffnang) last week at Esplanade!

I think their goodie bag is pretty interesting!
It's air sealed and each goodie bag contains different 'goodies' for everyone, show you how the goodie bag looks like!

But the above goodie bag belongs to Ming lah.
Cause I already cut open it before I could take any picture of it, so I just put up his one since his is still air sealed.
And here's me with my goodie bag!

Some pretty artworks that are displayed:

They are going to feature 21 works from 12 different countries and it will be in the form of theatre, performance arts, film, dance, visual arts, mixed media, music and forum created and presented by Singaporean and international artists with the theme for 2009, ART & FAMILY.
One of the performer that day:

It ends off with sponsors and support:

After the press launch ends with a number of cool performance in between, we then head down for the refreshments at Harry’s bar!

Okayokay, DAMN.
Sorry for a short and brief entry but I've got to end this entry abruptly now because it's like 5am now and thus I only got like about 1 hour of sleep then I've to get my ass up for school!
Will update soon!
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