*Cough Cough*
December 07, 2008Omg!! I've got so many things to say lor.
You know, these few days I heard many people talking about how everyone around them is falling sick because of the weather and also now is the 'falling-sick' season where almost everyone around you will fall sick. Then I thought to myself.......
" What rubbish, I also never fall sick what!".
After saying that, I then fall sick the following day (yesterday)!!
I've got a terrible sore throat!!
It's not like cough or anything, it's something like everytime when I sallow my saliva, it gives a fucking painful hit on my throat area.
Totally spoil my mood when I'm out yesterday man!
Cause I couldn't really talk much because my throat hurts alot. Very stupid to go out with your friends and be so quiet throughout, also I did not enjoy eating the new flavors of icecream at Ben & Jerry's Chunk Fest yesterday too! :(
Damn wasted.
What's worse was, upon reaching home...
I got high fever and the throat got worse!!!
But lucky mummy was around with me!
She gave me medicine and was checking on me throughout the whole night.
Sometimes I feel that it's very touching and sweet to know that your parents will always be there to takecare of you whenever you fallen ill or if anything happen to you, but yet many of us just taken it for granted and stuff.
Oh! I'm feeling better now already! :)
Anyway, I've got alot of overdue pictures eh!!!!
I shall start with... 2 months back, the time where I went for the henna painting as Deepavali is somewhat near.

Actually, I was going for a haircut with Goshi that day and after our haircut, I saw a set up stall around the area where they help people to do henna painting as Deepavali was nearing and so I decided to go henna-ing!

There were quite a number of designs there....
And I couldn't really make up my mind on which should I choose, thus I asked them to give some recommendation and they point to this .....

Yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkksss! I don't like it!!
It's like the same as those people who go tattoo dragon, fish, chicken, or basically different animals onto their body which is totally fugly lor.
Okayokay, it might be an art to some people but not to me.
I think it's very fugly man, I wonder why would people do that.
So I ended up choosing this....

Okay what.
At least it's a million times better than the Peacock design, and so they started the henna painting on my right hand, wrist area.

But that was that time, cause I just cut my hair again this week. Wahh, can see how lag behind I'm in blogging.



Halfway through, there's one lady that walk past the stall and saw me doing it, thus she got interested and started to ask them stupid questions about henna.

To me I can see that it's really obvious that she's not interested to do it but yet keep asking them questions.
I mean, ask questions can lah BUT not stupid questions what!
She ask something like....
"Will it be smelly?"
"Do this one can last how long?"
(Okay, maybe this is not a stupid question)
Still got alot more stupid questions that she actually asked but I couldn't really remember already, and when she was asked to try it out then she say ...
Aiya, stupid right.
I feel that it's very okay and alright to ask questions about the things that you doubt BUT I don't think that it's okay when you're simply not interested about that "something" and yet asking people stupid questions about it.
Don't know why I'm so irritated by her at that point of time.

Upon completed right, I then thought that it's too plain so she carry on adding more stuff which this become the end product....



Yah lah yah lah, I agree with some of you people that the end product is not really nice but some of your comments on the previous post on which I put up my henna picture and said it as a tattoo really cracks me up!
Comments like:
Oh gosh, I'm glad it's fake. Kinda looks like an infested mole sprouting pubic hair. Ugh.
they look like they are gonna come alive when you're not watching it
uhh it looks like an egg in the middle with lotsa sperms surrounding it Lol.
Ah, Whatever. At least it's funny to me.
It's been so long since we saw Zi Xiang, so we decided to meet up to have a small catch up with how and we've been doing lately.
We went Manhattan Fish Market to have our dinner first:

Everytime like this one lor.
Everyone will eat and eat and eat till the last one, then everyone stop eating and then leave the last piece of food there! Funny eh!

And and and my outfit that day totally match ....

Woooooooooooooo! Very nice... the camera's colour!
But I still like my Canon cam more! :p
Cam whoring on the escalator....

We also went to catch Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa that day.

I think the day we went to catch it was only the second or third day the movie is screen, so it's like fucking full house for most of the time slots!

Now, I want to watch Bolt!!!!!!
I think after Fyp, we all started to like to play board games!!
Can you imagine us playing "Murderer" for like 3 hours straight!!
(The one where you have to close all your eyes and the murderer will kill people that one, then have to find out who is the murderer!!!)
Very fun playing with them you know!
I still can remember I did play this game before last time too but it's not as fun when playing with them cause I reckon that they're all very jian zha (cunning?)!

Lots of board games to choose from:

I did not take much pictures that day, but Victor do!

Some punishment for those who loses the game:

And I think Chin Hao is quite unlucky to get the punishment which is to let us, using markers to draw on his face!!!



Actually, I'm still feeling alittle bu shuang about not being able to play this game which I wanted to play so much yet they kept telling me that it's for kids so it's very boring and stuff.....

This time round, the course gathering wasn't so much of a fun compared to last time round but at least I can get to see some of my classmates, like Lindy and Faizah during the course gathering!

Some of the guys:

Some of the girls:

With Lindy:

Also... Daniel brought back some nice snacks and souvenirs for us as he's back from his attachment from China!!!

After the gathering, a number of us went to KAP MacDonald to play board games, like again!!

Maybe I should let you people know why the delay of this post, since I said this entry should be up on Wednesday!
Wednesday: Wanted to blog after I'm back home from work but Chin Hao last minute called me up to meet up with him to accompany him to see some card games and also I wanted to have a hair cut, so I didn't have the time to update.
Thursday: Met up with my FYP classmate to have dinner and ended up slacking till midnight and so I didn't have the time to update.
Friday: Starting to feel alittle sick and thus didn't go for work, stayed at home to edit pictures, Angie and ZJ came over at night to have alittle gossip session and so I didn't have the time to update again.
Saturday: Slept till late afternoon with Angie still at my house, head out to Ben & Jerry's Chunk Fest and reached home feeling terribly ill, so how can I even updatee?
Therefore, I'm blogging todayyyyyyyyyy!
Cannot blame me lor, if you want to blame then blame on the stupid traveling time I have to spend to work everyday!!!!!
It's close to 2 hours okay!!!!
I seriously want to find a place to stay over at the east side, like maybe to rent a place or something... but I'm still thinking about it.
Cause it's not cheap you know, to like rent a room.
Argh, my throat is itching now.