Genesis - Sebastião Salgado
May 14, 2014I'm finally here writing omg. I tell you all, I don't know why but I've been so freaking tired ever since I came back from my short trip to KL? Like seriously I just keep sleeping! And somehow I can't do much at all, except sleeping my whole freaking day away?!!! :( I mean I still got go for my driving lessons and stuff, but other than that, I've been sleeping wtf. I feel like slapping myself because I think it's too much.
And now I'm very glad that I actually got the mood to write hahahaha. So later I can just continue to do some work since I got the "feeling" now, which is quite hard to come by lately. I just went to switch on my air con because the weather is damn bad, so humid and hot! I think part of my tiredness is due to the weather also eh. But now I'm okay already, feeling comfortable so I can write and write and write.
Anyway, I'm covering my whole head in blanket now because it's very comfy in my air con room omg. Shiok! I think I look like little red riding hood now hahahahaha. Quite funny, for those who are interested to see, let me go use Photo Booth to take picture now and upload here. Wait ah!
Omg it turns out quite scary actually hahahahahahahaha!!!!

Nah this is how I look like now! HAHAHAHAHA! Why I look so creepy and like a ghost wtf. I think the black and white filter makes it creepier than it seems to be. But yeah, I feel super comfortable now!

Went out to meet my friend for lunch the other day and heading to an exhibition at museum after! Sentimental shot on the cab hahahaha! Shirt from Ben Shermen, which can never go wrong.

#SelifeOnCab #BlackandWhite #BlackHair

Gotten the tickets! Genesis by Sebastião Salgado is a free exhibition at National Museum, so you guys can go if you want to! :D I then realise it's been so long since I stepped into the museum!

I love all the photographs taken by him, so talented.

I wanted to ask my friend to help snap a picture of me while I'm standing in the middle, but just when I passed my friend my camera and wanted to take the picture, someone was browsing so....

...I took it at the corner instead hahahaha! ^_^

Then something caught my eye.... (read the description for the photo below)


Went for a drink after finishing the exhibition!

Me and my thick black hair, which is not the case now......
cause I've already changed my hair colour! :D

Went to meet Fingers for dinner! Vietnam food yum yum yum!

I love it? Their soup is always so delicious and although their noodles and ingredients is simple (and nothing much) but it's always so good omg. I wanna go Vietnam soon one day if I got the chance!

Zj, Angie, Ting and me at a cafe after our dinner! Kx wasn't with us that day!

Another group photo from the other side!

I always love truffle fries but this truffle fries from this cafe is just, so-so. But nevertheless, it's a great day out with my friends! Alright, I'm going to go eat bread spread with Nutella now! Bye!
Why are you trying to kiss your friend lol