Artisan Boulangerie Co.
January 07, 2015Having some tea (which is called Counting Sheep and I ordered it because of it's cute name - typical of me, yes I know) and teriyaki sandwich alone as I'm writing this while waiting for Ran to end work. We are going for Taken 3 preview screening later and for the first 2 Taken movie, we watched it together so we wanted to watch this one together as well. Ran is a super fan of Taken movie fyi. Hopefully it will be good cause we were kinda disappointed with Taken 2 though. Went for my dental and skincare appointment earlier, so now I'm sort of staranded and have around 2 hours before I head back to town to meet Ran. Anyway, one of my trip for February is confirmed!!! I'm going back to Bangkok again baby!!! This time round with my bffs! Hahaha! It's really very funny because before 2014, I've NEVER been to Bangkok before! But ever since my first trip there, I kept having the chance to go back.

On another note, I think I'm quite in love with Artisan Boulangerie Co. after I went there recently for brunch. Although I only visited them once, but I feel that their food is not bad eh. It's quite good imo.

Visited the one near Comcentre during weekends and surprisingly it's not that crowded.

Their Bacon & Leek Quiche is delicious!

Salad! Organic Quinoa Crush!

I had Egg Benedict topped with smoked salmon.

Accompanied it with a pot of tea! ;) I'm such a tea lover okay!
Omg still got 1.5hours to go before I meet Ran! I shall go listen to The Pinkprint (which I'm actually listening to now :D) and treat some photos. You know what I hate the most about doing work (or for some of you is study) outside alone? It's when you need to go to the washroom and you can't really go because you cannot leave all your stuff at the cafe, and you also can't bring everything with you to the toilet because you will lose the seats. And worse is there is no one sitting beside or near you to ask them to help you to look after your stuff. I'm saying this because I wanna go to the washroom now and....... yeah.