June 30, 2008Stupid.
I've been always saying that I'm really busy with school work BUT some people still don't get it one lor.
Maybe cause they don't study anymore, so they don't understand the stressfulness. Or they just don't believe me that, all the projects and assignments given to me are fucking atrocious.
I'll be quitting my part time job next month.
And I guess I won't be working any part time for this period of time anymore, since internship and fyp is coming (next sem) and I've been really busy getting not enough sleep at all.
Thus, I need a part time job which is much more flexible (like MUJI) where whenever we have major projects or exams coming, we can actually not work for that period of time.
Which is totally the RIGHT thing to do so what!
To some people working might be important to them now because they're earing a living and some are not studying anymore, so of course they work! If not they laze around at home watching tv drama, munching on chips for 365 days, a year? (Well, they can if their parents are fucking loaded)
BUT I'm still a student, so obviously which comes first?
Don't argue and say, if you can't cope with studies and your part time job at the same time then don't be dumb and work.
But the problem is.. I CAN COPE WITH IT!
And I've been working non-stop ever since my O levels!
The problem now is that it's really hard to even not work when I'm having exams period or when fuck lots of projects are given to us. And I still must worry about colleagues and manager being unhappy with me, worry about no people to take over my place when I can't make it to work.
Look at these chio phones!!!!!

I've been looking through, doing research on these jap phones which are currently the latest model and are just released in Japan. But after checking the prices, I realised that buying...
1 of these jap phone = 4 DS LITE!!!
Very ridiculous.
(Somemore I'm quitting my PT job already!)
I can actually get my family one DS each liao lor, which I think I should, cause they're playing the DS more than I do! Talking about DS, I'm stuck at Animal crossing after the old man told me to talk to everyone in the town. So I ended up playing Zelda, which was unexpectedly fun.
Here comes the chioest model of all...

So if I'm going to buy, I'll get this model! :D
It's totally chio from inside to outside and from outside to inside, and look at the keypads!!!!
For colour wise, red or white will be good enough. I don't think there's any orange coloured phone in the market at all right?
Actually there are other models for the jap phones, so you guys can go search for it yourself if you're interested. But in any case, don't freaking buy the one that I like on purpose and come show off to me hor!!!
That's what those rich ass kid will do lor!
Will update about the chalet with pictures soon! :)