June 25, 2008
I'm getting pretty excited for the chalet later!!
It's the first time that I had chalet on school days, which means I have to travel from Pasir Ris to school early in the morning for 3 days!!! Then after a long day at school, still have to go all the way back to Pasir Ris! :(
I know it sound pretty nutty.
Cause the journey is super fucking long lor!!!
From Pasir Ris to Clementi leh!
Only if I can go study at TP for like for the 3 days man?!
But still, I reckon that it will be really fun to see everyone getting up and drag ourselves to school early in the morning (since our school is at the west!).
Anyway, Fingers met up few weeks back!!

And we had so much to say that we..

And I think I'll be wearing that at the chalet later too!
Talking about that, I still haven't start packing my stuff yet man! I also haven't brush my teeth, haven't wash up, haven't drink finish my melon vitasoy!!
Hopefully it'll be fast so I won't be late for school later!
I think I'll be bringing (for chalet):
- 2 nice tops for school
- 1 nice berms for school
- 2 anyhow tops for chalet
- 1 fbt shorts for chalet
- Towel
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste (I'm smart to volunteer to bring this, cause it's just very small tube! Rather than shampoo, conditioner, etc. those very ma fan!)
- Smaller bag for school
- DS + Charger
- Camera + Charger
- Phone + Charger
- Notes & FFT book.
Okay great!!
I think that's about it! Later I shall double check with this check list while packing my stuff!

Aaron looks like he really have huge boobies!!!

I don't think we'll ever grow up!
Cause whenever we all can't decide on something, we'll either scissors paper stone or 'OH-YA-BEH-YA-SOM' to make the decision!!

After that, we all decided to go to my house area to have supper!!! :)

And the uncle is crazy one lor!
He requested me to take pictures of him cooking the noodles, and also took out his camera to take picture with me.

And due to taking of that much pictures (like around 6 can!), the noodles of my 'Ba Chor Mee' become very soggy!!
Stupid lor!
I didn't know he left the noodles cooking while taking pictures with me and stuff, if I know I'll tell him not to do that cause I hate soggy noodles!
I mean, not TOO soggy.
But I guess the girls had a harder time eating their not so delicious dessert!

While we're on our way sending them back home, we saw these (fucking cute thing) on the ground ...

Taking a closer look.....

It's an animal paw prints!!!
I couldn't figure out whether it's actually a cat or a dog cause I don't really know and never look at their paws that carefully before but it's very cute hor.
It's like when they just paint the ground, the cat/dog just walk over it without knowing it and leave it's print there!!
I want a dog!!!!!!!!!!! :(

(I blog this part on 24/6/08, 5am)
My whole family is still not asleep at this hour!
I'm feeling alittle hungry now and I'm going to ask mum to make for me 2 cheese hotdog before I go school later, for my breakfast!
Yay!! I totally love cheesy stuff! :D
I know this might be alittle ranpical but I went to search on the net and found out some types of cheese which we never really get in touch with!
Some of them like...

I'm sure you all never see this cheese before lor!
It looks like there's lots blood veins running through the cheese right? But those bloody veins are actually wine (a Bordeaux wine or a blend of port wine and brandy) leh!
Wah, I wonder how it taste like!

Looks like mould growing on the cheese!!!
I know there's food that has mould growing on it which makes it taste better or something like that right? Or am I wrong?
But this cheese like really very dirty leh!!

I put up this cheese because of its name!
Lab-neh! Neh Neh!
Lab-neh! Neh Neh!
Lab-neh! Neh Neh!

This cheese looks like a dough or like some animal feces!

I think this cheese looks the CHIOEST!!!
And got the royalty feel somemore hor!!!!
I broke my geeky specs last week!!!
But thanks to mum for helping me to fix it!! :D
Cause the screw is lost at first and I've already decided to go get a new one but I couldn't find the one I wanted anymore. Mum then use some wire strips to twist and turn and twist and turn, and it become okay already!!!
Very happy! :D
Show you guys Brandy's sexy leg hair!!
And it looks so like ....

Picture of us with our new gadgets after 2 weeks of holidays:

I LOST MY TUMBDRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just called Lindy and she told me she lost her thumbdrive and she thinks that she left it in the school library yesterday and when I go check my bag for my thumbdrive...
Means that both of us lost our thumbdrive at school library, level 3! (The place where there's lots of computer for us to use.)
I think we forgotten to take out out thumbdrive after using the computers there!! I think we're going to ask the librarian later if anyone found our thumbdrive and guai guai give it to them as lost and found.
But nowadays people will just keep and use the thumbdrive for themselves lor.
Who will so stupid to return!!
Fuck lah! I'm very pissed now!!!!!!
And I'm running late already! I'm going to go prepare for school and pack my bags for chalet!!
All my school work is inside the thumbdrive leh!
If anyone see a thumbdrive which has a keychain of Eeyore with broken ears please kindly return to me! :(
Updates!!! Updates!!!
I'm feeling fucking lucky cause....
Thanks to the kind soul who found it and return it to the librarian. I totally cannot believe I can get it back lor, but for Lindy's one no people return.
I think it's because hers is 1GB, and look quite nice somemore!
I'm worried that I lost my thumbdrive because all my school work is in there and luckily I don't need to redo any and can an xin de go chalet! :)
I forget to bring any shorts!!
Was too rush just now and forget to bring quite a few stuff! Now I'm waiting for JD to end the make up lesson, as he'll drive me there afterwards!
I think I'll be the latest to reach man.
They're already calling and asking me to go down now, cause most of them are reaching! But NO WAY I'm going to squeeze myself in the train (PEAK HOUR NOW!!) with my freaking huge and heavy bag.
I think I can go write up another entry which then can be posted up like tomorrow since I'm so free now! Bye! :)