Typical Graduation.
July 19, 2009It's been 3 good years...
And finally, I've graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic!! :D

I shall not start to say those cliche stuff like, how much I miss those schooling days etc. Cause you people might already heard more than enough already! So below will be pictures of the graduation ceremony itself!
Something for me to reminiscence in the future! :)

Collection of my cert...

I know some pictures are pretty blurred out!
Cause all these are taken by my daddy, and he didn't realise it was blur until I uploaded it on my lappy! But it's okay lah, great effort from him! Muhaha!
When the ceremony ends...

He really helped me alot in my final year project, in prototyping my trolley out! Don't think I'll be able to complete it without his help! :)

Some group shots:

Not from my course though, she's a friend of Brandy!