Food food food pictures again!
June 10, 2013I just realise I've been taking WAY TOO MUCH pictures of food recently and it's really weird because if you didn't know, I don't really like to post food pictures on my blog! But it seems like recently I've posting quite abit of it, I think it's because recently other than sleeping or blogging the only other thing I do is, EAT.
Yeah, so I guess that explains why the influx of food pictures hahaha! Totally enjoying my holiday by basically doing nothing and bumming around because it's my last school holiday before I graduate! After that, I don't have such a long holiday to do so anymore! Thats unless I become a full time blogger lah!
But on the other hand, I'm not really lazing around THAT MUCH since I'm blogging more frequently now! Yes, trying to blog as much as I can before school starts, not sure if I'll be busy by then yet but still... I'm kinda addicted to post up new entry every single day! Thank you guys for giving me such motivation by always reading hahaha! But sad to say, this entry got nothing much but just random food pictures!
So if you think you will get bored by seeing food pictures, please exit my blog now and come back tomorrow because there's always new entry everyday! Yay! *claps claps for being more hardworking recently*

Went to LeVeL33 for a quick lunch while meeting with client!

Didn't managed to take much pictures that day because I also don't know why I didn't do so! -_-
Maybe because it was quite packed and I was lazy lol. But I think I'll go back there someday with Fingers at night for drinks because Angie went before and she say that the view at night is quite pretty!

Salad buffet!

Before my main course!

My main course, salmon pasta! And as you can see the portion is pretty small!

Love this black pepper duck linguine from Coffee Club! It's really good!!

Yum yum yum!! Not the first time I'm going back for it and I ate it after the Jay Park showcase but I didn't include this in the entry previously because it somehow didn't fit, so right here it shall be!

Went to Toa Payoh to have waffle icecream with bff, Zj the other day! He's mad seriously, make me travel all the way to have it! Somemore I was too full to really eat it also, so end up he finished most of it.
And guess what????!!! That concludes my super random blog post of random food pictures that I took recently! Hahahaha!! Will blog tomorrow! I shall go eat my supper now! Good night everyone! :D
Hi Ben, Where exactly is this waffle place that you went ?