Photo Booth with Lucas!
February 27, 2014I just realise I can't really use my laptop without my mouse!! -_-
Okay, not just realise, all along I knew actually. I'm too used to use mouse that I'm now uncomfortable in using the trackpad on my laptop! Hahaha! So few days back I wanted to blog but Ran took my mouse away because his was spoilt and he needs a mouse to do his school work. So I'm like okay.... lend him lah! But I was about to blog at that moment also, so end up I realise I cannot blog without a mouse also wtf.
I find it very hard to copy and select pictures to upload and somemore have to paste all the codes for the pictures when blogging omg. Super tedious job if there's no mouse. Even worse when you need to photoshop, I tell you... confirm cannot photoshop without mouse! I think will die from it one. Hahaha!
Anyway, I hate it also when I cannot blog on-the-go. I know there are apps platform available for us to do so but I really still prefer to keep everything here on this blog? I mean, I'm happy to know that there are other platforms to blog but I would love to keep everything in one space so it's easier to refer and look back in the future? Not sure if I'm making any sense, but I think I do. Hahaha.
Some pictures that me and Lucas took using Photo Booth when he came over to my place during CNY! :D Omg he's still so cute but really getting very mischievous and I'm happy to see that everyone missed him (when I posted his pics on my Instagram) and say that he grew up so much since the last time I posted pictures of him. Yes, he did! Time files so fast omgggg. I want to be young all over again too! :x

Our first loving picture! HAHAHA!

How about a crooked nose?

Hahahaha love this one! Look at Lucas, he's gifted in this! HAHA!

Elongated face....

Sticking out our tongue cause we wanna be cute lololol!

The more I look at myself in this picture, the creepier I feel wtf.

Both of us acting to be laughing, which in actual fact... we are NOT.

Love this! :D

Love this too!

Lucas is too cute in this! See I told you he's gifted! HAHAHA!
Gifted in taking pictures using photo booth! -_-

Super super LOVE this lololol!

Decided to post this up cause he looks so cute omg! *dying once again*

Okay last one! Actually we took a lot more but I think it isn't right to spam too much of all these cause it's too over if I spam them all. Will be flooded leh my whole blog hahaha. Ethical issue lah lolololol!