Lucas being too cute!
June 03, 2014I'm quite sad now eh because I just ended my driving lesson and it was quite a disaster! :(
I mean all along my learning experience was fine just that my parking is abit lousy, but all the driving instructor always tell me that I'm doing good. But today's driving lesson was so bad I nearly wanna slap myself? Like my mind went blank and I did a lot of mistakes omg. All because I didn't go for driving lessons for 3 weeks as I thought there is still quite abit of time until my test date, so I wanna spread it out alittle! Then I just keep cancelling all the driving lesson whenever I got events and stuff.
Until today, the instructor asked me whether I can complete all my lessons 14 days before my test date and I'm like... WHAT. I totally forgotten about it and don't remember this criteria? :O
So I went to check my phone on calendar and maybe just nice can finish wtf. Maybe! So later I'm going to try to book more slots just in case I cannot complete my 5-6 more lessons in time! But usually there are no slots and even if there is, it's not my instructors group one. Cause I actually booked 2 weeks of revision lessons before my test date, and I thought it's more than enough! But I forgotten that we have to complete all the lessons 14 days before our test date. Wait ah, I feel like slapping myself now. -_-
Very lucky please, cause if today this instructor didn't remind me about this, I think I confirm cannot complete all the lessons 14 days before my test date? Cause I was still thinking about to cancel my lessons this coming Friday and next week somemore omg. Thanks ah instructor, although I gave you a hard time today while trying to teach me lol. It's like I forgotten most of the things because I too long never go already and especially my parking... It was crazy! :/ I just basically don't know how to park at all (okay, maybe I'm abit kuazhang because I still can park lol) hahahahaha! Now I'm worried about my driving test!
![lucas ran ben](
Family dinner! Picture with Ran and Lucas!
Omg this is super funny! My aunt showed me this photo of Lucas! Apparently he saw the photo that I posted the other time, and he asked his sisters (Val & Germaine) to help him take this photo hahahaha!
Omg he is super cute please! *.* So here's a side by side comparison of his picture beside mine that he's trying to imitate lololol! Obviously he owned me, Lucas please take over my job now! HAHAHA!
![grilled jap](
Japanese dinner again with Minting and Chinhao! It's like forever Japanese food one for 3 of us!
![typicalben minting chinhao](
Group photo when chilling at Brotzeit!
Some snacks and drinks to end the night! Been nice to catch up with them! :D
OMG! So cute, I like how he tries to pose like you >< hahahah